Source code for simfantasy.action

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Abilities and weaponskills that can be performed by an actor."""

import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from functools import lru_cache
from math import ceil, floor
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

from import Actor
from simfantasy.aura import Aura, TickingAura
from simfantasy.common_math import divisor_per_level, sub_stat_per_level
from simfantasy.enum import Attribute, Resource, Slot
from simfantasy.event import ActorReadyEvent, ApplyAuraEvent, AutoAttackEvent, DamageEvent, \
    DotTickEvent, ExpireAuraEvent, RefreshAuraEvent, ResourceEvent
from simfantasy.simulator import Simulation

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Action: """An ability that can be performed by an actor. Arguments: sim (simfantasy.simulator.Simulation): The simulation where the action is performed. source ( The actor that performed the action. Attributes: animation (datetime.timedelta): Length of the animation delay caused by the action. Default: 0.75 seconds. base_cast_time (datetime.timedelta): Length of the action's cast time. Default: Instant cast. base_recast_time (datetime.timedelta): Length of time until the ability can be used again. Default: base GCD length, 2.5 seconds. can_recast_at (datetime.datetime): Timestamp when the action can be performed again. cost (Tuple[simfantasy.enum.Resource, int]): The resource type and amount needed to perform the action. guarantee_crit (bool): Ensures the damage will be a critical hit. Default: False. hastened_by (simfantasy.enum.Attribute): The attribute that contributes to lowering the cast/recast time of the action. Default: None. is_off_gcd (bool): True for actions that are not bound to the GCD, False otherwise. Default: False. potency (int): Potency of the action's impact, i.e., damage healed or inflicted. Default: None. powered_by (Attribute): The attribute that contributes to the total impact of the action. Default: None. shares_recast_with: (Union[simfantasy.action.Action, List[~simfantasy.action.Action]]): Action(s) that are on the same recast timer. Default: None. sim (simfantasy.simulator.Simulation): The simulation where the action is performed. source ( The actor that performed the action. """ animation: timedelta = timedelta(seconds=0.75) base_cast_time: timedelta = timedelta() base_recast_time: timedelta = timedelta(seconds=2.5) cost: Tuple[Resource, int] = None guarantee_crit: bool = None hastened_by: Attribute = None is_off_gcd: bool = False potency: int = None powered_by: Attribute = None shares_recast_with: Union['Action', List['Action']] = None def __init__(self, sim: Simulation, source: Actor) -> None: self.sim: Simulation = sim self.source: Actor = source self.can_recast_at: datetime = None self.speed = lru_cache(maxsize=None)(self._speed) @property def ready(self): """Flag that indicates if the action can be performed or not. Returns: bool: True if the action can be performed, False otherwise. """ return not self.on_cooldown \ and (self.source.animation_up or self.animation == timedelta()) \ and (self.is_off_gcd or self.source.gcd_up) @property def name(self): """Name of the action. Should be overridden with a friendlier name. Returns the class name by default. Returns: string: Name of the action. Examples: >>> class MyAction(Action): pass >>> MyAction(None, None).name 'MyAction' >>> class MyNamedAction(Action): ... @property ... def name(self): ... return 'CustomName' >>> MyNamedAction(None, None).name 'CustomName' """ return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def perform(self): """Perform the action. Automatically schedules common action side effects when appropriate. Examples: .. testsetup:: >>> from datetime import datetime >>> sim = Simulation(); sim.start_time = sim.current_time = >>> actor = Actor(sim, None) >>> class Bloodletter(Action): pass >>> class RainOfDeath(Action): pass >>> bloodletter = Bloodletter(sim, actor) >>> rain_of_death = RainOfDeath(sim, actor) Actions that share a recast timer will have their recast times set: >>> bloodletter.shares_recast_with = rain_of_death >>> rain_of_death.can_recast_at is None True >>> bloodletter.perform() >>> bloodletter.can_recast_at is not None True >>> bloodletter.can_recast_at == rain_of_death.can_recast_at True """ LOGGER.debug('[%s] @@ %s %s uses %s', self.sim.current_iteration, self.sim.relative_timestamp, self.source, self) self.set_recast_at(self.animation_execute_time + self.recast_time) self.schedule_resource_consumption() self.schedule_damage_event() self.source.animation_unlock_at = self.sim.current_time + self.animation self.sim.schedule(ActorReadyEvent(self.sim, self.source), self.animation_execute_time) if not self.is_off_gcd: self.source.gcd_unlock_at = self.sim.current_time + self.gcd
@property def animation_execute_time(self): """Helper function to return whatever is longer, the action's animation or cast time. Returns: datetime.timedelta """ return max(self.animation, self.cast_time)
[docs] def schedule_resource_consumption(self): """Schedules an event to consume the resource needed to perform the action. Notes: The cost must not be None. When the action is performed, i.e., after its :attr:`~simfantasy.action.Action.animation_execute_time` has passed, a :class:`simfantasy.event.ResourceEvent` will occur that consumes the resource cost defined in the :attr:`~simfantasy.action.Action.cost`. """ if self.cost is not None: resource, amount = self.cost self.sim.schedule(ResourceEvent(self.sim, self.source, resource, -amount), self.animation_execute_time)
[docs] def schedule_damage_event(self): """Schedules an event to inflict damage. Notes: The potency must not be None. When the action is performed, i.e., after its :attr:`~simfantasy.action.Action.animation_execute_time` has passed, a :class:`simfantasy.event.DamageEvent` will inflict damage based on the amount defined in the :attr:`~simfantasy.action.Action.potency`. """ if self.potency is not None: self.sim.schedule( DamageEvent(self.sim, self.source,, self, self.potency, self._trait_multipliers, self._buff_multipliers, self.guarantee_crit), self.animation_execute_time)
[docs] def set_recast_at(self, delta: timedelta): """Sets the timestamp when the action can be performed again. Based on the given delta, sets the recast timestamp by adding it to the simulation's current timestamp. If the action shares a recast with one or more other actions, those will have their recast timestamps set as well. Arguments: delta (datetime.timedelta): The amount of time that must pass to perform this action again. Examples: .. testsetup:: >>> class MyAction(Action): pass >>> sim = Simulation() >>> actor = Actor(sim) >>> action = MyAction(sim, actor) >>> action.set_recast_at(timedelta(seconds=30)) >>> action.can_recast_at == sim.current_time + timedelta(seconds=30) True """ recast_at = self.sim.current_time + delta self.can_recast_at = recast_at if self.shares_recast_with is not None: if isinstance(self.shares_recast_with, list): for shared_action in self.shares_recast_with: shared_action.can_recast_at = recast_at else: self.shares_recast_with.can_recast_at = recast_at
[docs] def schedule_aura_events(self, target: Actor, aura: Aura): """Schedule events to apply and remove an aura from a target. For a new aura, :class:`simfantasy.event.ApplyAuraEvent` and :class:`simfantasy.event.ExpireAuraEvent` will be scheduled. If the aura already exists on the target, a :class:`simfantasy.event.RefreshAuraEvent` will be scheduled instead, which will subsequently adjust the timestamps of the existing events. Arguments: target ( The actor that will receive the aura. aura (simfantasy.aura.Aura): The aura to apply to the actor. Examples: .. testsetup:: >>> class MyAction(Action): pass >>> sim = Simulation() >>> actor = Actor(sim) >>> action = MyAction(sim, actor) >>> class MyAura(Aura): duration = timedelta(seconds=10) >>> aura = MyAura(sim, actor) A new aura will have its events scheduled for the first time: >>> aura.application_event is None True >>> aura.expiration_event is None True >>> action.schedule_aura_events(actor, aura) >>> aura.application_event # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <simfantasy.event.ApplyAuraEvent ...> >>> aura.expiration_event # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <simfantasy.event.ExpireAuraEvent ...> An existing aura will not receive new events, but instead will have its expiry event adjusted and rescheduled accordingly: >>> original_expiry = aura.expiration_event >>> action.schedule_aura_events(actor, aura) >>> original_expiry is aura.expiration_event """ delta = self.animation_execute_time if aura.expiration_event is not None: self.sim.schedule(RefreshAuraEvent(self.sim, target, aura), delta) self.sim.unschedule(aura.expiration_event) else: aura.application_event = ApplyAuraEvent(self.sim, target, aura) aura.expiration_event = ExpireAuraEvent(self.sim, target, aura) self.sim.schedule(aura.application_event, delta) self.sim.schedule(aura.expiration_event, delta + aura.duration)
def schedule_dot(self, dot: TickingAura): self.schedule_aura_events(, dot) if dot.tick_event is not None and dot.tick_event.timestamp > self.sim.current_time: self.sim.unschedule(dot.tick_event) tick_event = DotTickEvent(self.sim, self.source,, self, dot.potency, dot) dot.tick_event = tick_event self.sim.schedule(tick_event, self.animation_execute_time + timedelta(seconds=3)) @property def on_cooldown(self): return self.can_recast_at is not None and self.can_recast_at > self.sim.current_time @property def cooldown_remains(self): return timedelta() if not self.on_cooldown else self.can_recast_at - self.sim.current_time @property def cast_time(self): if self.hastened_by is not None: return self.speed(self.base_cast_time) return self.base_cast_time @property def recast_time(self): if self.base_recast_time == timedelta(seconds=2.5): return self.gcd return self.base_recast_time @property def gcd(self): if self.hastened_by is not None: return self.speed(timedelta(seconds=2.5)) return timedelta(seconds=2.5) @property def type_ii_speed_mod(self): return 0 def _speed(self, action_delay: timedelta) -> timedelta: speed = self.source.stats[self.hastened_by] sub_stat = sub_stat_per_level[self.source.level] divisor = divisor_per_level[self.source.level] # TODO Implement all these buffs. rapid_fire = False if rapid_fire: return timedelta(seconds=1.5) arrow_mod = 0 haste_mod = 0 fey_wind_mod = 0 riddle_of_fire = False riddle_of_fire_mod = 115 if riddle_of_fire else 100 astral_umbral = False astral_umbral_mod = 50 if astral_umbral else 100 type_1_mod = 0 type_2_mod = self.type_ii_speed_mod gcd_m = 1000 - floor(130 * (speed - sub_stat) / divisor) gcd_m = floor(gcd_m * action_delay.total_seconds()) gcd_c_a = floor(100 - arrow_mod) * ((100 - type_1_mod) / 100) gcd_c_a = floor(gcd_c_a * ((100 - haste_mod) / 100)) gcd_c_a = floor(gcd_c_a - fey_wind_mod) gcd_c_b = (100 - type_2_mod) / 100 gcd_c = ceil(gcd_c_a * gcd_c_b) gcd_c = floor(gcd_c * gcd_m / 100) gcd_c = floor(gcd_c * riddle_of_fire_mod / 1000) gcd_c = floor(gcd_c * astral_umbral_mod / 100) gcd = gcd_c / 100 return timedelta(seconds=gcd) @property def _buff_multipliers(self) -> List[float]: return [1.0] @property def _trait_multipliers(self) -> List[float]: return [1.0] def __str__(self): return '<{cls}>'.format(cls=self.__class__.__name__)
class AutoAttackAction(Action): animation = timedelta() is_off_gcd = True hastened_by = Attribute.SKILL_SPEED # TODO Would like to avoid having to duplicate so much code here. def perform(self): animation_unlock = self.source.animation_unlock_at super().perform() self.sim.schedule(ActorReadyEvent(self.sim, self.source), self.recast_time) self.source.animation_unlock_at = animation_unlock @property def base_recast_time(self): return timedelta(seconds=self.source.gear[Slot.WEAPON].delay) def create_damage_event(self): self.sim.schedule( AutoAttackEvent(self.sim, self.source,, self, self.potency, self._trait_multipliers, self._buff_multipliers, self.guarantee_crit)) class MeleeAttackAction(AutoAttackAction): name = 'Attack' potency = 110 class ShotAction(AutoAttackAction): name = 'Shot' potency = 100